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Bruce Stephan was on San Francisco’s Bay Bridge when an earthquake hurled his car off the bridge and Stephan towards death. Both he and his wife were in the World Trade Center when terrorists struck on September 11. So what is like to survive two terrifying disasters? For Bruce, it was a learning experience in the power of love.... posted on Aug 13 2002, 1,987 reads


... posted on Aug 12 2002, 939 reads


One third of 95 developing countries have a waiting period of six years or more for a telephone connection, compared with less than a month in developed nations.
SOURCE: World Bank
... posted on Aug 11 2002, 242 reads


Shaheen Mistry took a routine family vacation to India, about 13 years ago. She ended up visiting the slums of Mumbai and never left. With the help of volunteers, she started a school for the slum children; what started with 10 kids now is a full school with over 1000 children.... posted on Aug 10 2002, 1,244 reads


For children with emotional problems or physical or mental disabilities, the opportunity to swim with a dolphin can be an enriching -- even a transforming -- experience.... posted on Aug 09 2002, 1,177 reads


On Jan. 30, 1962, at Kashasha village near Lake Victoria in what is now Tanzania, three schoolgirls got the giggles. Tears rolling down their cheeks, they couldn't stop laughing or keep their contagion of chuckles from spreading to almost half the other girls at their boarding school. Some fits were lasting minutes, others hours, some up to 16 days, until exasperated administrators closed the scho... posted on Aug 08 2002, 1,219 reads


Monks in the highlands of Tibet are able to adjust their body temperatures through meditation. The meditation process is called 'g Tum-mo'. Scientists recently, have begun to conduct experiments to explain this phenomenon.... posted on Aug 07 2002, 2,266 reads


Human consciousness is actually wireless communication between the cells of your brain, according to a professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey in Great Britain.... posted on Aug 06 2002, 1,049 reads


Contrary to the stereotype, nearly eight in ten Silicon Valley residents say they gave money or property to charity (78%) and 49% volunteered in the community. ... posted on Aug 05 2002, 1,272 reads


... posted on Aug 04 2002, 532 reads


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The voice is a wild thing. It can't be bred in captivity.
Willa Cather

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